Searching for scientific evidence in a pandemic: An overview of TREC-COVID
We present an overview of the TREC-COVID Challenge, an information retrieval (IR) shared task to evaluate search on scientific literature related to COVID-19. The goals of TREC-COVID include the construction of a pandemic search test collection and the evaluation of IR methods for COVID-19. The challenge was conducted over five rounds from April to July, 2020, with participation from 92 unique teams and 556 individual submissions. A total of 50 topics (sets of related queries) were used in the evaluation, starting at 30 topics for Round 1 and adding 5 new topics per round to target emerging topics at that state of the still-emerging pandemic. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of the structure and results of TREC-COVID. Specifically, the paper provides details on the background, task structure, topic structure, corpus, participation, pooling, assessment, judgments, results, top-performing systems, lessons learned, and benchmark datasets.
1. Introduction
The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has resulted in an enormous demand for and supply of evidence-based information. On the demand side, there are numerous information needs regarding the basic biology, clinical treatment, and public health response to COVID-19. On the supply side, there have been a vast number of scientific publications, including preprints. Despite the large supply of available scientific evidence, beyond the medical aspects of the pandemic, COVID-19 has resulted in an "infodemic" as well [1] [2] [3] with large amounts of confusion, disagreement, and distrust about available information.
A key component in identifying available evidence is by accessing the scientific literature using the best possible information retrieval (IR, or search) systems. As such, there was a need for rapid implementation of IR systems tuned for such an environment and a comparison of the efficacy of those systems. A common approach for large-scale comparative evaluation of IR systems is the challenge evaluation, with the largest and best-known approach coming from the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC) organized by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) [4] . The TREC framework was applied to the COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19), a dynamic resource of scientific papers on COVID-19 and related historical coronavirus research [5] .
The primary goal of the TREC-COVID Challenge was to build a test collection for evaluating search engines dealing with the complex information landscape in events such as a pandemic.
Since IR focuses on large document collections and it is infeasible to manually judge every document for every topic, IR test collections are generally built via manual judgment using participants' retrieval results to guide the selection of which documents to judge. This allows for a wide variety of search techniques to identify potentially relevant documents, and focuses the manual effort on just those documents most likely to be relevant. Thus, to build an excellent test collection for pandemics, it is necessary to conduct a shared task such as TREC-COVID with a large, diverse set of participants.
A critical aspect of a pandemic is the temporal nature of the event: as new information arises a search engine must adapt to these changes, including the rapid pace with which new discoveries are added to the growing corpus of scientific knowledge on the pandemic. The three distinct aspects of temporality in the context of the pandemic are (1) rapidly changing information needs: as knowledge about the pandemic grows, the information needs evolve to include both the new aspects of the existing topics and new topics; (2) rapidly changing state of knowledge reflected both in the high rate at which the new work is published and the initial publications are edited; and (3) heterogeneity of the relevant work: whereas in traditional biomedical collections the documents and journals are peer-reviewed, in a pandemic scenario any publications, e.g., preprints, containing new information may be relevant and may actually contain the most up-to-date information. The result of all these factors is that the best search strategy at the beginning of a pandemic (with small amounts of scattered information, many unknowns) may be different than the best strategy mid-pandemic (rapidly-growing burst of information with some emerging answers, unknowns still exist but are better defined) or after the pandemic (many more answers but with a corpus that contains a significant evolution through time, may require filtering out many of the early pandemic information that has become outdated). TREC-COVID models the pandemic stage using a multi-round structure, where more documents are available and additional topics are added as new questions emerge.
The other critical aspect of a pandemic from an IR perspective is the ability to gather feedback on search performance as a pandemic proceeds. As new topics emerge, judgments on these topics can be collected (manually or automatically, e.g. click data) that can be used to improve search performance (both on that topic of interest and other topics). This is subject to similar temporality constraints as above: feedback is only available on documents that previously exist, while the amount of feedback data available steadily grows over the course of the pandemic.
These two aspects-temporality of data and the availability of relevance feedback for model development-are the two core contributions of TREC-COVID from an IR perspective. From a biomedical perspective, TREC-COVID's contributions include its unique focus on an emerging infectious disease, the inclusion of both peer-reviewed and preprint articles, and its substantial size in terms of the number of judgments and proportion of the collection that was judged.
Finally, a practical contribution of TREC-COVID was the rapid availability of its manual judgments so that public-facing COVID-19-focused search engines could tune their approach to best help researchers and consumers find evidence in the midst of the pandemic.
TREC-COVID was structured as a series of rounds to capture these changes. Over five rounds of evaluation, TREC-COVID received 556 submissions with 92 participating teams. The final test collection contains 69,318 manual judgments on 50 topics important to COVID-19. Each round included an increasing number of topics pertinent to the pandemic, where each topic is a set of queries around a common theme (e.g., dexamethasone) provided at three levels of granularity (described in Section 4) . Capturing the evolving corpus proved to be quite challenging as preprints were released, updated, and published, sometimes with substantial changes in content. An additional benefit of the multi-round structure of the collection was support of research on relevance feedback, supervised machine learning techniques that find additional relevant documents for a topic by exploiting existing relevance judgments. This paper provides a complete overview of the entire TREC-COVID Challenge. In prior publications, we provided our initial rationale for TREC-COVID and its structure [6] as well as a snapshot of the task after the first round [7] . Additional post-hoc evaluations have also been conducted comparing system qualities [8] and assessing the quality of the final collection [9] . This paper presents a description of the overall challenge now that it has formally concluded. Section 2 places TREC-COVID within the scientific context of IR shared tasks. Section 3 provides an overview of the overall task structure. Section 4 explains the topic structure, how the topics were created, and what types of topics were used. Section 5 details the corpus that systems searched over. Section 6 provides the participation statistics and list of submission information. Section 7 describes how those runs were pooled to select documents for evaluation. Section 8 details the assessment process: who performed the judging, how it was done, and what types of judgments were made. Section 9 describes the resulting judgment sets. Section 10 provides the overall results of the participant systems across the different metrics used in the task. Section 11 contains short descriptions of the systems with published descriptions. Section 12 discusses some of the lessons learned by the TREC-COVID organizers, including lessons for IR research in general, COVID-19 search in particular, and the construction of pandemic test collections should the unfortunate opportunity arise to create another such test collection amidst a new pandemic. Finally, Section 13 describes the different benchmark test collections resulting from TREC-COVID. All data produced during TREC-COVID has been archived on the TREC-COVID web site at
2. Related Work
While there has never been an IR challenge evaluation specifically for pandemics, there is a rich history of biomedical IR evaluations, especially within TREC. Similar to TREC-COVID, most of these evaluations have focused on retrieving biomedical literature. The TREC Genomics track (2003) (2004) (2005) (2006) (2007) [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] targeted biomedical researchers interested in the genomics literature. The TREC Clinical Decision Support track (2014-2016) [16] [17] [18] targeted clinicians interested in finding evidence for diagnosis, testing, and treatment of patients. The TREC Precision Medicine track (2017-2020) [19] [20] [21] [22] refined that focus to oncologists interested in treating cancer patients with actionable gene mutations. Beyond these, the TREC Medical Records track [23, 24] focused on retrieving patient records for building research cohorts (e.g., for clinical trial recruitment). The Medical ImageCLEF tasks [25] [26] [27] [28] focused on the multi-modal (text and image) retrieval of medical images (e.g., chest x-rays). Finally, the CLEF eHealth tasks [29, 30] focused largely on retrieval for health consumers (patients, caregivers, and other non-medical professionals). TREC-COVID differs from these in terms of medical content, as no prior evaluation had focused on infectious diseases, much less pandemics. However, TREC-COVID also differs from these tasks in terms of its temporal structure, which enables evaluating how search engines adapt to a changing information landscape.
As mentioned earlier, TREC-COVID provided infrastructural support for research on relevance feedback. Broadly speaking, a relevance feedback technique is any search method that uses known relevant documents to retrieve additional relevant documents for the same topic. The now-classic "more like this" query is a prototypical relevance feedback search. Information filtering, in which a user's standing information need is used to select the documents in a stream that should be returned to the user, can be cast as a feedback problem in that feedback from the user on documents retrieved earlier in the stream informs the selection of documents later in the stream. TREC focused research on the filtering task with the Filtering track, and in TREC 2002 track organizers used relevance feedback algorithms to select documents for assessors to judge to create the ground truth data for the track [31] . But the filtering task is a special case of feedback where the emphasis is on the on-line learning of the information need. Other TREC tracks including the Robust track, Common Core track, and the current Deep Learning track reused topics from one test collection to target a separate document set. In these tracks the focus has been on the viability of the transfer learning. TREC also included a Relevance Feedback track in TRECs 2008 and 2009 [32] with the explicit goal of creating an evaluation framework for direct comparison of feedback reformulation algorithms. The track created the framework, but it was based on an existing test collection with randomly selected, very small numbers of relevant documents as the test conditions. TREC-COVID also enabled participants to compare feedback techniques using identical relevance sets, but in contrast to the other tracks, these sets were naturally occurring and relatively large, were targeted at the same document set, and contain multiple iterations of feedback.
3. Task Structure
The standard TREC evaluation involves providing participants with a fixed corpus and a fixed set of topics, as well as having a timeline that lasts several months (2-6 months to submit results, 1-3 months to conduct assessment). As previously described, these constraints are not compatible with pandemic search, since the corpus is constantly growing, topics of interest are constantly emerging, systems need to be built quickly, and assessment needs to occur rapidly.
Hence, the structure of a pandemic IR shared task must diverge from the standard TREC model in several important and novel ways.
TREC-COVID was conceived as a multi-round evaluation, where in each round an updated corpus would be used, the number of topics would increase, and participants would submit new results. An initial, somewhat arbitrary, choice of five rounds was proposed to ensure enough iterations to evaluate the temporal aspects of the task while keeping manual assessment feasible. The time between rounds was proposed to be limited to just 2-3 weeks in order to capture rapid snapshots of the state of the pandemic. Ultimately, the task did indeed last five rounds and the iteration format was largely adopted.
[INSERT FIGURE 1 HERE] Figure 1 . High-level structure of TREC-COVID.
A high-level overview of the structure of TREC-COVID is shown in Figure 1 . This highlights the interactions between rounds, assessment, and corpus. Table 1 provides the timeline of the task, including the round, start/end dates, release and size of the corpus, number of topics, participation, and cumulative judgments available after the completion of that round. The start date of a round is when the topics were made available as well as the manual judgments from the prior round. The end date is when submissions were due for that round. In between rounds, manual judging occurred for the prior round (referred to below as the X.0 judging for Round X).
During the next round, while participants were developing systems using the Round X.0 (and all prior) data, additional manual judging occurred for the prior round (referred to as the X.5 judging). However, these would not be available until the conclusion of the next round (Round X+1). This enabled a near-constant judging process to maximize the number of manual judgements while still keeping to a rapid iteration schedule. As can be seen in Table 1 , Round 1 started with 30 topics and 5 new topics were added every round. This allowed for emerging "hot" topics to respond to the evolving nature of the pandemic.
The participation numbers in Table 1 reflect the number of unique teams for each round and the total number of submissions for that round. Teams were restricted to a maximum of three submissions per round except for Round 5 when the limit was eight submissions. The participation numbers include a baseline "team" and several baseline submissions starting in Round 2. The baselines were provided by the University of Waterloo based on the Anserini toolkit [33, 34] for the purpose of providing a common yardstick between rounds and to encourage teams to use all three of their submissions for non-baseline methods.
The manual judgment numbers in Table 1
4. Topics
The search topics have a three-part structure, with increasing levels of granularity. The query is a few keywords, analogous to most queries submitted to search engines. The question is a natural language question that more clearly expresses the information need, and is a more complete alternative to the query. Finally, the narrative is a longer exposition of the topic, which provides more details and possible clarifications, but does not necessarily contain all the information provided in the question. Table 2 lists three example topics from different rounds. All topics referred directly to COVID-19 or the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but in some cases the broader term "coronavirus" was used in either the query or question. For some of these topics, background information on other coronaviruses could be partially relevant, but was left to the discretion of the manual assessors. See Voorhees et al. [7] for a more thorough discussion on this terminology issue. The topics were designed to be responsive to many of the scientific needs of the major stakeholders of the biomedical research community. The topics were intentionally balanced between bench science (e.g., microbiology, proteomics, drug modeling), clinical science (e.g., Several efforts were made to ensure the topics were broadly representative of the needs of the pandemic. Calls were put out via social media asking for community input for topic ideas.
Queries submitted to the National Library of Medicine were examined to gauge concerns of the wider public. Additionally, the streams of prominent Twitter medical influencers were examined to identify hot topics in the news. The iterative nature of the task also enabled the topics to adapt to the evolving needs of the pandemic. For every round, five new topics were created in an effort to both address any deficiencies in the existing topics as well as to include recently high-profile topics that received little scientific attention at the time of the prior rounds (e.g., the major dexamethasone trial [36] was not published until July, just in time for Round 5). Table 3 lists the query for all the topics used in the task, as well as an extension of the Soni &
Roberts [35] categories to all 50 topics. Again, these categories were not intended to be authoritative, merely to help balance the types of topics used in the challenge and aid in post-hoc analysis. Many-or even most-topics could feasibly fit into multiple categories. We provide this here for the purpose of providing insights into the types of topics used in the challenge. The majority of the documents in CORD-19 were published in 2020 and are on the subject of COVID-19. Around a quarter of the articles are in the field of virology, followed by articles on the medical specialties of immunology, surgery, internal medicine, and intensive care medicine, as classified by Microsoft Academic fields of study [38] . The corpus has been used by clinical researchers as a source of documents for systematic literature reviews on COVID-19, and has been the foundation of many dozens of search and exploration interfaces for COVID-19
literature [39] .
6. Participation
Teams submitted runs (synonymous with a 'submission') where a run consists of a sorted list of documents for each topic in the corpus and the document list for a topic is sorted by decreasing likelihood that the document is relevant to the topic (in the system's estimation). A TREC-COVID run was required to contain at least one and no more than 1000 documents per topic.
7. Pooling
Relevance judgments are what turns a set of topics and documents into a retrieval test collection. The judgments are the set of documents that should be returned for a topic and are used to compute evaluation scores of runs. When the scores of two runs produced using the same test collection are compared, the system that produced the run with the higher score is assumed to be the better search system. Ideally we would have a judgment for every document in the corpus for every topic in the test set, but humans need to make these judgments (if the relevance of a document could be automatically determined then the information retrieval problem itself is solved), so a major design decision in constructing a collection is selecting which documents to show to a human annotator for each topic. The goal of the selection process is to obtain a representative set of the relevant documents so that the score comparisons are fair for any pair of runs.
In general, the more judgments that can be obtained the more fair the collection will be, but judgment budgets are almost always determined by external resource limits. For TREC-COVID, the limiting factor was time. Since the time between rounds was short, the amount of time available for relevance annotation was also short. Based on previous TREC biomedical tracks, we estimated that we would be able to obtain approximately 100 judgments per topic per week with two weeks per TREC-COVID round, though that estimate proved to be somewhat low.
For most retrieval test collections, the number of relevant documents for a topic is very much smaller than the number of documents in the collection, small enough that the expected number of relevant documents found is zero when selecting documents to be judged uniformly at random while fitting within the judgment budget. But, search systems actively try to retrieve relevant documents at the top of their ranked lists, so the union of the set of top-ranked documents from many different runs should contain the majority of the relevant documents.
This insight led to a process known as pooling that was first suggested by Spärck Jones and van Rijsbergen [40] and has been used to build the original TREC ad hoc collections. When scoring runs using relevance judgments produced through pooling, most IR evaluation measures treat a document that has no relevance judgment (because it was not shown to an annotator) as if it had been judged not relevant. The medians generally increased over the different TREC-COVID rounds. This was mainly caused by the submitted runs becoming more similar to one another as the rounds progressed, except for Round 5 where many more documents overall were judged since it was the last round which allowed for more judging time. There is a decrease in median number judged between Rounds 2 and 3. This dip is explained by the CORD-19 release used in Round 3 was much bigger than in Round 2 (see Table 1 ) so runs had both more room to diverge and significantly less training data for the new portion.
But what about runs that have little overlap with other runs and thus have relatively few judged documents to inform evaluation scores? Figure 2 shows that some runs with very little overlap with other runs were submitted to TREC-COVID. Even runs with relatively many judged documents can have unjudged documents at ranks important to the evaluation measure being used to score the run (for example, unjudged documents at ranks 8-10 when evaluating using Precision@10