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Do Neural Language Models Overcome Reporting Bias?



Mining commonsense knowledge from corpora suffers from reporting bias, over-representing the rare at the expense of the trivial (Gordon and Van Durme, 2013). We study to what extent pre-trained language models overcome this issue. We find that while their generalization capacity allows them to better estimate the plausibility of frequent but unspoken of actions, outcomes, and properties, they also tend to overestimate that of the very rare, amplifying the bias that already exists in their training corpus.

1 Introduction

Apart from several notable efforts to collect commonsense knowledge from experts (Lenat, 1995) or through crowdsourcing (Speer and Havasi, 2012; Sap et al., 2019) , most work has been on extracting such knowledge from large text corpora (Mitchell et al., 2018) . While the latter approach is scalable and low cost, it also suffers from reporting bias: due to Grice's conversational maxim of quantity (Grice et al., 1975) , people rarely state the obvious, thus many trivial facts ("people breathe") are rarely mentioned in text, while uncommon events ("people murder") are reported disproportionately (Gordon and Van Durme, 2013; Sorower et al., 2011) .

Traditionally, knowledge acquisition from text was extractive. In recent years, the generalization capacity of neural language models (LMs) and their ability to aggregate knowledge across contexts have facilitated estimating the plausibility of facts, even when they don't appear in the corpus explicitly. Recent pre-trained LMs such as GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) and BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) , trained on massive texts, dominate the NLP leaderboards, and are considered a source of commonsense knowledge (Petroni et al., 2019) . Does this mean that pre-trained LMs overcome reporting bias?

In this paper we revisit the experiments conducted by Gordon and Van Durme (2013) (henceforth G&V), applying them to various pre-trained LMs (based on the nature of the experiment, we test either masked LMs or standard left-to-right LMs). We find that LMs, compared to extractive methods: 1

1. Provide a worse estimate of action frequency, mostly due to overestimating very rare actions. 2. Predict both expected outcomes as well as sensational and unlikely outcomes. 3. Are capable of learning associations between concepts and their properties indirectly, but tend to over-generalization, which leads to confusing semantically-similar but mutually exclusive values.

2 Actions And Events

G&V demonstrate the discrepancy between corpus occurrences and actual action frequency by showing that if you believe the corpus, people murder more than they breathe. Breathing is an activity we take for granted and thus rarely talk about (Grice et al., 1975) . That murder is frequent in the corpus is a reflection of the same issue: we talk more about uncommon or newsworthy events (van Dalen, 2012) . We follow G&V's qualitative analysis of actions and events performed by or which happen to people by comparing real-world frequency to corpus-based and LM-based frequency. We estimate real-world Figure 1 : Frequency of actions performed or occurring to people during their lifetime from very frequent (daily), through once in a lifetime events, to very rare (don't happen to most people). Note that actual frequencies of rare events are too small to show. See Appendix A for the exact frequencies.

Figure 1: Frequency of actions performed or occurring to people during their lifetime from very frequent (daily), through once in a lifetime events, to very rare (don’t happen to most people). Note that actual frequencies of rare events are too small to show. See Appendix A for the exact frequencies.


The person .

wins (11.4) said (5.8) let (4.


The person is . killed (7.5) gone (6.3) let (4.3) died (11.4) responds (4.0) see (3.9) married (6.6) deceased (3.8) see (3.9) dies (10.6) replied (3.4) make (2.4) dying (4.2) arrested (2.9) make (2.4) won (7.8) dies (3.3) get (2.1) deceased (3.8) missing (2.5) get (2.1) lost (3.5) died (2.9) look (2.1) eliminated (2.6) responding (1.9) look (2.1) said (2.4) responded (2.5) take (1.2) retired (2.2) involved (1.9) take (1.2) speaks (1.9) says (2.4) set (1.2) lost (2.0) reading (1.9) set (1.2) answered (1.6) replies (2.2) give (1.1) arrested (2.0) dying (1.9) frequency (e.g. how many times does a person breathe in their lifetime?) from published statistics based on US data, as detailed in Appendix A. Corpus frequency is computed using the Google N-gram corpus (Brants and Franz, 2006) . Specifically, we compute the normalized frequency of the verbs appearing in the 3-gram "person is ", falling back to the bigram "person " if no results are found. We use SpaCy to determine parts of speech, keeping non auxiliary verbs (Honnibal and Montani, 2017) . While LM scores don't represent frequency or probability, they are often used in practice as a proxy for plausibility. Thus, we would expect LM scores to correlate with real-world frequency. We query masked LMs for substitutes of the mask in several templates describing actions, 2 and left-to-right LMs by greedily decoding the next token (e.g. for "The person is"), taking the maximum score for each word across templates. Specifically, we use BERT large uncased (Devlin et al., 2019) , RoBERTa large , and GPT-2 XL (Radford et al., 2019) from the Transformers package (Wolf et al., 2019) . We keep the non auxiliary verbs among the top 5000 predictions. 3 Figure 1 visualizes the relative frequency of each action as estimated by the various sources, where the scores for all actions are normalized for each source. Actions are sorted by their real-world frequency from very frequent to very rare. First, we observe that LMs assign non-zero scores for all actions, as opposed to the non-smoothed corpus frequencies from Google Ngrams. However, the scores they produce diverge further from the actual distribution, measuring with KL-divergence: Google Ngrams -2.94, BERT and GPT-2 -3.77, and RoBERTa -3.08. LMs produce a more accurate estimate for some frequent actions (blinking, eating) but worse for others (thinking, breathing). At the same time, LMs also exaggerate the frequencies of rare events (e.g. dying), producing estimates not only higher than the actual frequency but even higher than the corpus frequency.

give (1.1) replied (1.3) asked (2.1) using (1.1) elected (1.5) confused (1.5) using (1.1) loses (1.3) commented (2.1) go (1.1) disabled (1.5) reporting (1.5) go (1.1)

The same patterns emerge for both LMs, but some exceptions stand out. For example, BERT overestimates the frequency of dying, which may be due to being trained on Wikipedia, which consists of many entries describing historically important-and dead-people. RoBERTa, on the other hand, which


The girl found a bug in her cereal.


As a result, she lost her appetite.

So she lost her appetite.

As a result, she poured milk in the bowl.

So she poured milk in the bowl.

Yet, somehow she did not lose her appetite.

But surprisingly she did not lose her appetite.

Yet, somehow she did not pour milk in the bowl.

But surprisingly she did not pour milk in the bowl.

She lost her appetite. She poured milk in the bowl.

Option #1 Option #2

Causal Discourse Markers

Disconfirmed Expectations

As a result, she lost her appetite. Each answer choice has a set of support statements including causal discourse markers (both models) and disconfirmed expectations (only in Zero-shot+DE). The LM is used to score the statements for plausibility, and the model predicts the answer choice associated with the most plausible statement.

was trained on the web, overestimates the frequency of newsworthy events such as being murdered or arrested. Table 1 further exemplifies the top LM predictions for actions performed by people, using additional templates. While most predictions, especially by GPT-2, are common or mundane verbs (said), some describe rarer events (killed).

Table 1: Top LM predictions for actions performed by people along with their scores (percents).

3 Event Outcomes

G&V argue that an event outcome is more likely to be mentioned in text if it's not certain. For instance, "The man turned on the faucet. The water started running in a steady stream." makes an awfully boring story, while "Water gushed out of the sink" builds up to a turn in events. Do LMs learn the proportional outcome distribution in the corpus, or can they overcome it by implicitly learned commonsense? A good testbed for event outcomes is the COPA dataset (Choice of Plausible Alternatives) (Gordon et al., 2012) . Given an event (context), the goal is to predict its cause or effect among two candidate answers. We focus on LMs typically used for generation: GPT (Radford et al., 2018) , GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) , and XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) . Table 2 exemplifies outcomes predicted for several COPA events with various LMs and decoding strategies: top k = 10 (Fan et al., 2018), top p = 0.9 , and beam search with beam size of 5. We observe a combination of mundane, correct outcomes (water running in a steady stream) and sensational and unlikely events ("the fire broke out").

Table 2: Example outcomes generated for COPA events (conditioned on “[context]. As a result,”).

Lm Decoding Outcome

The man turned on the faucet.


Top-k 10 the water started running in a steady stream Top-p 0.9 water began to flow out of the faucet and onto Beam 5 the water began to boil

Top-k 10 the next day they were forced to drive around town Top-p 0.9 he was a bit confused about the situation, but Beam 5 he had to pay for the ticket

Gpt-2 S

Top-k 10 his face became pale Top-p 0.9 the fire broke out Beam 5 he was able to get out of the car and

Top-k 10 he has to pay the fare on the spot Top-p 0.9 he left his job Beam 5 he was arrested

Gpt-2 Xl

Top-k 10 the man's blood was sprayed everywhere, and his Top-p 0.9 the water in the bathtub began to flow Beam 5 water gushed out of the sink

The man received a parking ticket.

Top-k 10 the ticket was sent to the city's Department of Top-p 0.9 he went to his car and pulled out a Beam 5 he was arrested and charged with violating the city's In order to quantify the ability of LMs to predict outcomes, we target the multiple choice COPA task with a zero-shot LM-based model (Zero-shot in Table 3 ). For a given context and for each candidate answer, we create a set of supporting statements: [cause] [causal discourse marker]

Table 3: Accuracy on the COPA development set.

[effect], as exemplified in Figure 2. For questions asking about the cause of an event, we set the cause to the context and the effect to the candidate answer, while for questions asking about the effect, we reverse the direction.

Figure 2: Illustration of the Zero-shot+DE model prediction of an instance from COPA. Each answer choice has a set of support statements including causal discourse markers (both models) and disconfirmed expectations (only in Zero-shot+DE). The LM is used to score the statements for plausibility, and the model predicts the answer choice associated with the most plausible statement.

Following Shwartz et al. (2020b) , we compute the cross entropy loss of each statement, and predict the candidate answer associated with the statement with the lowest loss (most plausible statement). Figure 2 (a) Accuracy score and the average rank of gold color. (b) Example sentences along with top 3 color predictions for each of the pre-trained models and the fine-tuned models (+FT). We note that the predictions are sensitive to phrasing. Table 4 : Performance and example predictions for the color prediction experiment. For each of BERT and RoBERTa, we report the performance of the pre-trained only model and the model fine-tuned on the color train set. The majority baseline predicts the most common color associated with the following noun in the train set, e.g. majority(banana) = green.

Table 4: Performance and example predictions for the color prediction experiment. For each of BERT and RoBERTa, we report the performance of the pre-trained only model and the model fine-tuned on the color train set. The majority baseline predicts the most common color associated with the following noun in the train set, e.g. majority(banana) = green.


illustrates the model's prediction for a given COPA instance. Table 3 shows the accuracy on the development set across different LMs. The GPT models slightly improve upon the majority baseline. G&V suggest that a better source for typical outcomes is textual constructions that indicate a speaker's expectation about the world was not met. For example, "Sally crashed her car into a tree but wasn't hurt" indicates that if a person crashed their car, they are likely to be hurt. An initial exploration of this approach was done by Gordon and Schubert (2011) , but they concluded that extracting this type of rules from corpora is limited due to the sparseness of the clauses and the discourse patterns. We conjecture that neural LMs may overcome the sparseness issue and be used for both scoring and generating typical outcomes. We therefore extend the zero-shot model by adding disconfirmed expectations (Zero-shot+DE) to the supporting statements: We recognize the main verb of the effect using SpaCy and negate it to create the negated effect statement.

3.1 Disconfirmed Expectations

The results in Table 3 show that adding disconfirmed expectations usually degrades the performance. We observed that this often happens when a statement of the form "[context] [negative discourse marker] [negated wrong answer]" is incorrectly ranked as plausible, as in "He ran out of onions. Yet, for some reason the cook's eyes did not water". While the LM recognizes the lexical relatedness between onions and watering eyes, it is not sensitive to negation, as was recently shown for several other language models (Ettinger, 2020; Kassner and Schütze, 2020) .

4 Properties

According to G&V, people are more likely to state unusual properties of a concept (blue pencil) than usual ones (yellow pencil). Recently, Weir et al. (2020) studied LMs' ability to associate concepts with their properties, by providing the LM the concept and predicting the properties and vice versa. Overall, LMs performed reasonably well, with RoBERTa outperforming BERT. Both performed better on encyclopedic and functional properties ("A bear is an animal") than on perceptual properties, which are less often mentioned in text (Collell Talleda and Moens, 2016; Forbes et al., 2019) .

We hypothesize that while LMs are to some extent capable of learning association between concepts and their properties indirectly by aggregating across contexts, during this process, they often overgeneralize, predicting semantically-similar but mutually exclusive values. We verify that by evaluating BERT and RoBERTa's ability to predict colors. We constructed a list of 11 common colors and extracted all sentences in Wikipedia in which a color modifies a noun, masking the color tokens (e.g. "A bear is [MASK]"). We then split the data into train (1,169,590 sentences) and test (10,000 sentences). Table 4a presents the results of pre-trained-only LMs vs. LMs fine-tuned on the train set, with a masked LM objective, to predict the color. First, we note that the pre-trained BERT models outperform the RoBERTa model, which is expected given that BERT was already exposed to the sentences in the dataset during pre-training on Wikipedia. Despite that, the fine-tuned models still exhibit a dramatic boost in performance, both in terms of accuracy and average rank of the correct color. This is an encouraging result: it's possible to correct the over-generalization by further exposing the LM to the "truth". With that said, this corpus-based "truth" is not a ground truth, and given that the sentences were not manually verified, it is still biased towards the unusual, containing strange concepts like "blue cat".

5 Related Work

Commonsense in pre-trained LMs. There is ongoing research on extracting commonsense knowledge from pre-trained LMs, providing mixed results. On the one hand, Petroni et al. (2019) and Davison et al. (2019) somewhat successfully used pre-trained LMs to complete commonsense KBs. On the other hand, Logan et al. (2019) have shown that LMs are limited in their ability to generate accurate factual knowledge, and Kassner and Schütze (2020) and Ettinger (2020) pointed out that LMs are not sensitive to negation, resulting in generating incorrect facts ("birds can't fly"). Finally, Shwartz et al. (2020b) showed that despite being noisy, knowledge generated by LMs can be used to improve performance on commonsense tasks.

Similarly to our color experiment, Bouraoui et al. (2020) developed a LM-based relation classification model that included a color relationship. The model starts with a seed of known word pairs for a given relationship, uses it to find template sentences indicative of the relationship, and fine-tunes BERT on these retrieved sentences. Their experiment had a different purpose from ours, in which we probed the LMs for knowledge already captured by their pre-training phase.

Learning from other modalities. Much of our world knowledge is innate or acquired through modalities such as vision, including physical commonsense ("physical objects can't be in different places at the same time") and social commonsense ("people do and say things for reasons"). There has been little work on learning meaning from other modalities (Kiela and Clark, 2015; Zellers et al., 2019) , but there is a shared understanding in the community that this is the imperative next step (Bisk et al., 2020; Bender and Koller, 2020) .

6 Conclusion

We show that pre-trained LMs to some extent overcome reporting bias in the sense that they possess knowledge that wasn't explicitly stated, including trivial facts. Unfortunately, they also over-represent rare and newsworthy events, amplifying the bias that already exists in their training corpus.

The results in this paper are in line with prior work that showed that LMs amplify social bias (May et al., 2019; Sheng et al., 2019) and knowledge about named entities that are prominent in the corpus (Shwartz et al., 2020a) . Going forward, it is important to study how the choice of training corpus, model size, and other factors affect the type and extent of biases the LM would have.

A Action And Events Normalized Frequency Action

Actual Frequency for Lifetime (Source) Actual Corpus BERT RoBERTa GPT-2 thinking 1,433,355,000 (50,000 per day) 5.26e-01 9.21e-02 1.74e-01 8.66e-03 5.74e-03 breathing 660,489,984 (23,040 per day) 2.42e-01 3.51e-03 2.04e-02 8.11e-03 2.89e-04 blinking 344,005,200 (12,000 per day) 1.26e-01 6.84e-04 1.63e-03 0 0 eating 86001.3: 3 times per day 3.16e-05 1.23e-02 2.64e-02 1.09e-02 1.45e-03 sleeping 28667.1: 1 time per day 1.05e-05 1.03e-02 1.19e-02 2.65e-02 6.33e-04 working 20420.4: 5 times a week 7.49e-06 5.66e-02 5.81e-02 7.59e-02 4.22e-03 exercising 8168.16: 2-3 times a week 3.00e-06 2.44e-02 0.00e+00 1.17e-03 2.14e-04 getting married 1.66: 0-3 times per life 6.09e-10 4.76e-03 5.37e-02 2.26e-01 6.40e-04 getting divorced 1: 0-2 times per life 4.04e-10 8.95e-04 6.91e-03 1.49e-02 3.72e-05 being born 1 4.04e-10 7.35e-02 7.76e-02 1.75e-02 4.55e-03 being named 1 4.04e-10 2.49e-01 1.07e-01 1.02e-02 3.44e-03 dying 1 4.04e-10 1.55e-01 3.72e-02 1.66e-01 1.39e-02 being abused 0.5 (source) 1.84e-10 7.43e-03 3.28e-02 2.83e-02 4.30e-04 being injured 0.1263 (Episodes per 1,000 population: 126.3) 4.64e-11 6.74e-02 6.94e-03 1.01e-01 6.45e-04 being raped 0.01 (18.3% of women (50.8% of population) and 1.4% of men (49.2% of population)) 3.66e-11 3.51e-04 1.03e-02 3.59e-02 1.06e-04 being killed 4.01 × 10 −2 (murder + 1 out 28 in accident) 1.47e-11 2.59e-02 4.57e-02 3.32e-02 1.19e-03 being arrested 0.031526 (3,152.6 arrests per 100,000) 1.16e-11 5.06e-02 5.23e-03 9.85e-02 2.52e-03 being adopted 0.021 (7 million out of 328.2) 7.83e-12 4.93e-03 4.54e-03 8.53e-03 3.24e-05 being murdered 4.37 × 10 −3 (1 in 229 deaths)

1.60e-12 2.99e-02 5.15e-02 7.88e-02 1.34e-03 being abandoned 0.000175 (7000 each year, out of 4M births) 6.42e-14 6.45e-04 4.17e-03 1.15e-02 3.46e-05 Table 5 : Frequency of actions performed or occurring to a person during their lifetime, along with the sources used for actual frequency calculation, and the normalized scores for actual frequency, corpus (Google Ngrams), and LM scores. Daily statistics were multiplied by 365 × 78.54 (average life expectancy in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm). named, called dying died, die, dies, dying being injured injured being arrested arrested being murdered murdered, killed being killed killed being raped raped being abused abused, molested, assaulted, beat, bullied, oppressed, tortured being shot shot being adopted adopted being abandoned abandoned Table 6 : Synonyms and subactions used for each action in Section 2.

Table 5: Frequency of actions performed or occurring to a person during their lifetime, along with the sources used for actual frequency calculation, and the normalized scores for actual frequency, corpus (Google Ngrams), and LM scores. Daily statistics were multiplied by 365 × 78.54 (average life expectancy in the US: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/life-expectancy.htm).
Table 6: Synonyms and subactions used for each action in Section 2.

"The person is[MASK].", "The person[MASK].", "People are[MASK].", "All people[MASK]."3 We consider some synonyms and subactions, e.g. including "exhale" and "inhale" in "breathe", as detailed in Appendix A.